You would think a girl that is not working or going to school could keep up with her blog, right? Well, sometimes I forget or just get lazy.
I guess I should fill you in. Brother came for the #2..the middle child. Anyways, he got into town friday. It's always a blast when either brother is home. We hang out, eat, drink, etc. Saturday he had a wedding, but Sunday we spent all day together. Highlight of the day was the trip over to a family friend's house. She has new guinea hens and pygmy goats. The hens were interesting...she got them to eat bugs out of her garden. These things are little scavengers! They can find ticks, crickets, name it, they're eating it! They aren't the cutest things though..small heads, little bodies..but they are still growing, so we'll see if they get any cuter. I think we have to go over and help heard them into their new cage tomorrow. THAT will be an adventure for us. You know you live in the country when....
The pygmy goats were a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. We used to have goats at my house(I know, country bumpkins for sure), so they were bringing back memories for all of us. They're tiny little things. I mean, they could sit in your lap...if you wanted them to AND if they wanted to. I think I could have taken one home but parents wouldn't be too happy, since they would get to take care of it in a year when I move! Oh well..
Monday rolled around and we stopped at the coffee shop in scraft. We all got blended lattes...amazing!! But, we were sure we were taking in about 400 calories with one of those things. Guess we don't want to get into that habit!
Aunt and Uncle had everyone over for dinner Monday night, because Uncle from Chicago was in town for business. The field directly behind their house has potatoes this year and the owners said they could pick as many as they want. Brother and I definitely took them up on it. It was a lot of work...for brother. I stood there with a bag while he dug. No digging for this girl!! We could not believe how many huge potatoes we walked away with in that short amount of time...yes, it is a field..but we thought for sure it would take a long time to get that many. Anyways, we'll be eating potatoes for the next year...
After farm picking, we of course rode the golf cart. It's always fun going over there because I drag everyone on that thing. The field behind the house has a service road/trail following it's perimeter. We see 346 deer every time we're out there! Brother has gotten some amazing pictures from past trips. This time, the girl's went out. I was driving(of course) and following the usual trail. Halfway around the field, said trail vanished and we were stuck going through weeds. The cart is pretty low to the ground and the weeds were probably knee height...they were definitely getting stuck to the bottom. The ground was really soft from the irrigation, so at one point, we almost tipped. I think I scared everyone a little. Weeds went on for quite some time and I was desperately hoping to get out alive..of course, nobody had a cell phone. We finally found the old trail, looked back, only to see a new trail that we could have been following the entire time. Whoops! Oh well, it was an adventure!