Thursday, July 3, 2008

...hello to all...

I never thought I would do this, but, here I am blogging. The cuz, L, just created one and after commenting on just about all of her posts, I decided I might as well..and she'll be more for her to add to her "to read" list! I've never done this before though..some blogs may be boring, they may be my ramblings, they may be emotional, or they may be totally pointless...but they'll all be me. I'm not going to use perfect English and I won't always be grammatically correct(guess that would be under the perfect English category, wouldn't it?)...but you'll get a glimpse into what's running through my head.

...That said, welcome to my world. Summer of 2008. It's been a crazy one..lots of changes. I'm living in Maryland, interning at a design firm(completely loving it..but that will be another story for you). It all comes to an end in about three weeks. L and her hubs took me in for the few months I'm here and it's been fantastic on my end..I can't speak for them..for all I know, they have a countdown going!! I am loving this area, too! We'll see where life takes me in a year..who knows..maybe I'll be back....

More on my life later(20 minutes until the weekend starts)!!!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh my gosh! I DOOOOOO LOVE it! YAY! Now I can always have my Sara fill. YAY!

Oh and wait until the obsession starts. You'll start writing things down in class, too! :)