Wednesday, July 16, 2008

...time flies when you're having fun...

I can't believe I have two days left! These 9 weeks have flown by! The saying is true..time does fly when you're having fun. I can't really imagine not seeing L everyday, hanging out, making dinner together, playing wii for hours on end... It'll be tough the first couple of weeks...Good news is that we get to see each other two weekends in a row at the end of August!! Then school starts..not looking forward to that..

I am looking forward to Friday though..the Mom is coming to visit for the week and then she's driving back with me. She just called a little bit ago. I think she may be more excited than I am. Sounds like she's packed, ready, and waiting by the door to leave!

Should be a good weekend! I'm sure stories and pictures will soon follow!

1 comment:

Lori's Mom said...

Yoohoo!!! Sara!!!! What's the deal here? No posts in almost a week? How's a person supposed to keep up with what you're doing if you're not telling us what you're doing????? Love ya!